
20 Self-help Questions by Paul McKenna to Change your Life

The book “Change your life in 7 days” by Paul McKenna is one of those books that shake up your steady life, knock down stereotypes and tickle your soul which only aspire to be a better version of yourself.

If you take the time to thoroughly do each exercise of the 7 chapters, this book has the amazing power to surface frustrations and issues of adulthood but also to deliver tips and support to get closer to our ideal life.

Check out my illustrated summary of “Change your life in 7 days” by Paul Mckenna here

A couple of weeks ago, a kind reader contacted me via Facebook and confessed to me her feelings of not going anywhere and drifting away from the life goals she had set for herself when she was younger: Live in Canada, find her career path, bring happiness into people’s lives and meet her soul mate …

I shared with her the main questions from the book “Change your life in 7 days” that really helped me clear things out for me a couple years ago.

And she went all in! She ordered a fancy notebook on Amazon, took her favorite pen and spent all her evening answering all of these questions as frankly as she could.


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Une publication partagée par Élodie Ascenci (@goodiemood)

Thought this would might inspire you too !


20 self-help questions from the book “Change your life in 7 days” by Paul McKenna to get you inspired

Have a seat and get comfy with a notepad (and maybe a glass of wine if you want to 🍷). Breathe in deeply several times, let yourself go (you’re alive, you can do this, no one is judging you, it’s all good!).


Now, take the time to answer these questions without self-censorship and judgment:

  • Who or what in your life makes you happy ?
  • Who or what in your life makes you feel loved?
  • Who or what in your life are you passionate about?
  • What would you love to do that you would be willing to pay to do it?
  • What is your favorite passion?
  • What would you choose to do if you unlimited resources ?
  • Who do you admire the most and why?
  • What did you want to do when you grow up?
  • What did you want to do once grown up?
  • What would you want to do if its success was guaranteed?


Now think about all the major spheres of you life (family, relationships, career, health, social life, spiritual growth)

  • What would you like to happen in each one of these?
  • What would you like to learn?
  • Which skills would you like to master?
  • How much money would you like to earn?
  • Which aspect of your personality would you like to develop?
  • What would you like to bring to this world?

My Ultimate Dream:

  • For me, the 5 most important things in the world are …
  • If I could be, do, have everything in the world, I would be …
  • What will be my life like once I am living my dream?
  • What are the important steps that I can set up to get closer to this dream?


Once this is done, you should start to see some interesting things surfacing…

Obviously, I strongly suggest that you read the book to discover all the useful tips and auto-hypnosis methods from the Author that helped me out a lot.


Print out these 20 self-help questions and add them to your journal!

I created this PDF in case some of you want to keep these questions handy, to print them out and add them to your journal for instance. Don’t forget to date it ! When you are 75 years old, you will love to re-discover your old time wishes and what you pictured as your ideal life…

20 Self-help Questions by Paul McKenna to Change your Life

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20 Self-help Questions by Paul McKenna to Change your Life on Goodie Mood blog

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