
Download this cute habit tracker for free

Oh hello dear readers!

The end of the year is approaching quickly (already!) … 🎄
Usually, it’s around mid-November that I start to think about the good resolutions that I’d like to put in place for the following year…

I give myself a break until the 31st of December and then kick myself in the 🍑 the first week of January to resume good habits for better health, or set daily goals to get closer to the ideal self that I have visualized.

I don’t know about you, but I noticed that I am much more committed to keeping my resolutions over time when I track them – i.e. when I monitor them daily in my diary or in my bullet journal 📘

Habit Tracking is a good way to define your goals and stick to them. Today, I suggest you print and complete this Habit tracker that I offer you for free to download.

I hope this page will allow you to stay motivated and adopt the goals you want to set up!

  1. ✔️ Download your Habit Tracker for free!

    Click on the image to download and print your habit tracking page (in A4 format) *:

    Download this cute habit tracker for free

    🔍Here’s a closer look:

    telecharger gratuitement le habit tracker pour suivre vos objectifs et habitudes dans votre bullet journal

    * For personal use only.

  2. Define the goals and habits you want to put in place

    I share with you some of the good daily habits that I have listed:

    – Write 3 pages in my journal
    – List at least 5 things for which I am grateful
    – Drink 2 bottles of water
    – Meditate 10 minutes
    – Massage and moisturize my face
    – Read 20 pages of a (real) book – No screen !
    – Walk for at least 30 minutes in the neighborhood
    – Spend 20 minutes tidying up / cleaning the house
    – Update my bank account and my emails

    It’s up to you to add the challenges that you would like to adopt in your daily life!

I Hope you’ll like this free goodie! ✨

It makes me happy to find the blog again – at a cooler pace – and to offer lil’ goodies to color and simplify your life!

Take good care of yourself and have a sweet weekend!

💗 Elodie

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Je suis Élodie, graphiste franco-canadienne vivant à L.A en Californie 🌴 Vous trouverez ici du contenu coloré et réconfortant pour enrichir votre pause café et remplumer vos jauges de douceur !
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12 Astuces pour être + zen et optimiste !

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