
Summary of the Documentary "Happy, the science of happiness" by Roko Belic

I decided to have a different approach today and not summarize a book but an interesting documentary I saw in streaming. It’s “Happy”, a film written, directed and co-produced by Roko Belic and which has won 7 awards 🥇

What is happiness?

By studying people’s “Happiness level” around the world, researchers have identified that happy people lived better: they are more productive, in better health and live longer !

This beautiful documentary jumps from scientific research conclusions to funny, sometimes emotional testimonials of people from 14 countries (Denmark, Namibia, Scotland, Japan, Bhutan …) dubbed with comments by experts in positive psychology such as Daniel Gilbert or the buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard.

Here are the 10 key takeaways from the documentary “Happy” illustrated only for your beautiful eyes… 👀

Summary of the documentary “Happy, the science of happiness” by Roko Belic

Summary of the documentary “Happy, the science of happiness” by Roko Belic on Goodie Mood blog

What this documentary brought me

So much joy! This documentary is like a shot of vitamin C ☀️

The testimonials from all over the world could potentially be a second documentary on its own as they are so inspiring. Like this former beauty pageant queen who got disfigured by her sister in law and after many years, confessed that she has never felt happier. Or like this former German banker who got rid of the suit and tie to support dying patients in one of Mother Teresa’s hospices in India.

All these beautiful encounters make us step back and put in perspective our daily complaints.

The section on meditation just blew my mind: we learn that some portions of our brain are activated and get transformed only after two weeks of meditation on compassion.

I hope this illustrated summary will boost your happy side! 🥳

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Take care! 🫀


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Summary of the Documentary "Happy, the science of happiness" by Roko Belic on Goodie Mood blog

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  1. Fascinating how much science knows about happiness and yet we struggle to follow through in our daily lives.

    I have recently started doing yoga and it feels so good. I love the playfulness and the meditative aspect. And it feels good for my body too. But still I have to force myself to show up.

    Thank you for the summary. It was the reminder I needed today.

  2. I saw a documentary on Netflix some years ago about happiness that said when people didn’t have enough money for their basic needs, then having the money for their basic needs made them happier. But for people who already had their basic needs met, then having more money did not make them happier. In fact, the very wealthy can have challenges such as becoming addicted to always wanting more, worrying about losing their money, and especially fearing that nobody really loves them for who they are but only for their money.

Elodie Ascenci Goodie Mood 2025
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