
Summary of the book "Change your life in 7 days" by Paul McKenna #selfhelp #paulmckenna #hypnose #infographics


Paul McKenna is a famous British coach who built his fame on hypnosis shows where he would relieve participants from their OCDs and blocking fears.

In “Change your life in 7 days” the author helps us reprogram the image we have of ourselves and free up our potential through a (very short) 7 days program.

Paul McKenna is proposing daily simple creative visualization exercises and forces ourselves to ask questions on the reasons of our fears. If you play the game right, you will be surprised by the memories resurfacing and which might explain the current issues you might still face in your adult life.

"I don’t really know how this works but I think our mind has the power to attract events, things and people into our lives." Paul McKenna

Book’s summary:

Day 1: Who are you really? Discover your real potential and become who you really want to be
Day 2: the Brain’s handbook. Control your emotions and free up your full potential
Day 3: The power of the positive thinking. The art of readjusting.
Day 4: Build your dreams. Discover what you really want and make your dreams come true
Day 5: Healthy basics. A sound mind in a sound body
Day 6: Make money. Discover the secrets of a millionaire’s mindset
Day 7: Happy till the end of time. Live the secrets of happiness now and ever after.

10 tips from the book “Change your life in 7 days” by Paul McKenna which helped me visualize my wishes:

Summary of the book "Change your life in 7 days" by Paul McKenna infographics

What this book brought me

Paul McKenna is convinced that we have the world’s most powerful and precious material between our ears.

Like Hal Elrod in his book “Miracle Morning” (click here to read my summary!), the famous hypnotist suggests us to have a morning routine in order to program our mind with positive thoughts. Our energy and motivation will be boosted up and thus, we will be happier and more creative.

"Beliefs are windows from which you see the world. If your windows if covered with negativity, your vision of the world will be affected." Paul Mckenna #quote

Despite a pompous title, “Change your life in 7 days” is one of my favourite self-improvement book. The visualization exercises are simple and some are very effective for me.

I had read this book for the first time when I was 21 and I was naively surprised to not be the only one thinking that our mind was able to attract things on which we focus. I will then learn that this method is called “The Law of Attraction” and it has been applied by tycoons, politicians and pro-players for ages.

This book helped me to picture what I wanted to become and improve my adult life. Sometimes through tough and blunt questions that he encourages us to answer.

This questioning forces us to dig deeper and find the roots of our issues and then pinpoint our interpretations that are sometimes disconnected from reality:

“Why do I get defensive when this topic is brought up?”
“Why my stomach aches when I feel judged?”

It’s not quite like a session with a shrink but it’s a very encouraging starting point !

I love glueing images to illustrate my ideas, it helps me to better visualize and imagine the expected result. The visualization exercises always put me in a good mood, it’s like recess with myself and I have now accumulated over 20 journals that I like going through year after year.

I love the idea that, with some practice, I’m able to generate endorphins just by visualizing myself in a blissful moment and be suddenly more positive and calm. It doesn’t come easy yet but i’m working on it!

I strongly recommend “Change your life in 7 days” by Paul McKenna whose exercises have helped me for the past 10 years and always have a positive impact on my mood!

Feel free to comment below and follow my adventures on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest !

Take care of yourself !

🌸 Goodie 🌸

Oh ! And before you go !

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Summary of the book "Change your life in 7 days" by Paul McKenna #selfhelp #paulmckenna #hypnose #infographics

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  1. Not just a book that you read and forget about, it will stay on your bedside table for years! You will read and reread it, over the years, to try to achieve your life goals. This book isn’t for everyone. You have to believe in the power of self-suggestion and visualisation to be prepared to do these exercises. So, although the results can relate to everyone, my opinion is that only a target audience that already believes in self-help will be willing to practice them in order to learn from them.

    1. Exactly. Thanks for your comment ! Indeed, I think that deep life changes can occur if you truly believe in the power of auto-suggestion, law of attraction and the existence of a « source » that puts things you need on your way 🙂

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